Matching your investments with your interests

The Problem:

Have you ever looked at the individual stocks that make up a mutual fund? Most likely, there will be a number of companies that you may have never heard of or have no idea what they do. I would guess that you probably wouldn't start a business you have no experience in, so why do you place your hard-earned retirement savings in a company's stock you know nothing about.

Up until now matching your investments to your interests has been very difficult to execute easily. In most cases your best option has been a mutual fund or index fund. They can be lower cost (although may have hidden fees and commissions) and provide the safety and diversification of many stocks, without having to have a significant sum of money to invest.

One of the problems is that you don't actually own the individual stocks, instead you own a portion of the mutual fund company. Another big problem is that you are at the mercy of the mutual fund company for the stocks they want to invest in. They may select a company's stock that you don't like and unfortunately you can't do anything about it.

Our Solution:

Instead of having to blindly trust a mutual fund company, we will work with you to develop a custom-built portfolio, with companies you're familiar with, products that you actually use and services you know. These are just a handful of the benefits, we'd love to discuss these and many more with you when we meet.

  • Low-cost to you (4 times less than the mutual fund companies on average)
  • Freedom to pick and choose investments, not forced to own certain stocks by a mutual fund.
  • No minimum account balances, get started saving with however much you can manage.
  • Own actual shares of stocks, either as Whole or Fractional shares
  • Ability to own a diverse portfolio of stocks, regardless of your account balance
  • No need to sell certain stocks if you like them, unlike a mutual fund where you can't pick and choose.

We know, it sounds too good to be true, but it isn't!

We have partnered with a broker-dealer named Motif Investing, that utilizes the latest in technology, to help us provide all of the wonderful services listed above. You'll receive the convenience of their technology, with the ability to work directly with a local advisor.

How It Works:

The possibilities are limitless, we will work with you to develop short and long-term investment goals. From there, we'll understand where we need to get and we can discuss potential companies or concepts that may interest you, ideally, creating a complete portfolio out of companies you know and trust. This may also include broader interests in industries or other concepts as well. Such as, socially responsible companies or companies that follow Catholic Values. Maybe your interested in Biotech companies or Clean Technology, these are just to name a few. The options truly are limitless and our goal is to build a custom portfolio for you, that you're excited to invest in and doesn't cause you to stay awake at night because you'll know the companies your invested in.

Let's get started:

We're ready to help you get started today. Let's schedule a complimentary introductory meeting and we can explain more. We're excited to help make sure your investments match your interests!